UFO World Podcast
I discuss the latest news, podcasts, and videos based on our future, past, and present within the UFO/UAP phenomena. I am extremely interested and connected with the consciousness and spiritual elements of the UFO topic which has descended from my own uncanny experiences.
This channel was created to help drive UFO disclosure and in an effort, to try and help YOU and me understand these experiences.
After all, this phenomenon tackles life's profound question of who we are? Where do we come from? What is the point of it all?
UFO World Podcast
Gary Heseltine: Rendlesham UFO Case | Multiple Alien & UAP Encounters
Gary Heseltine is a former British police detective who gained prominence for his research and advocacy regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial encounters. He founded the "PRUFOS" (Police Reporting UFO Sightings) database, which collects reports of UFO sightings by police officers. Heseltine has appeared in various media outlets discussing UAPsightings and advocating for greater transparency and investigation into the phenomenon. His work has contributed to the public discourse on UFOs and has garnered attention from both skeptics and believers alike.
He is also the author of the best-selling book 'Non-Human' which uncovers the Rendlesham Forest UFO case; the book can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/NON-HUMAN-Rendlesham-Forest-Incidents-Denial/dp/B0BVDF6W2Z/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KDKULQZ6C8G5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.oy9LBC3iXP2VoveL7P55m7mZM4VXpJdl7HozNuXT-yY.FFK2zP81lbZ1n8FJSxH-CKBbb6CKeS3FzGGazrAKwWU&dib_tag=se&keywords=gary+heseltine+non+human&qid=1715250476&sprefix=non+human+%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1
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